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Who We Are  

Founded in 2010, the DWC formed through the conversations of non-profit Executive Directors frustrated by the lack of policy focusing on the needs of women and girls. Their individual organizations had years of expertise and community understanding and knew by combining their voices they would have a greater influence to better serve their participants. As the DWC’s membership has evolved the vision has always been to bring social change for women, girls, and their families in the Denver Metro Area. 

What sets the DWC apart is the executive leaders collaborating from six of Denver’s top direct service non-profit organizations serving women, girls, and their families. Together our organizations are serving over 15,000 Coloradans. This much depth and access gives us an opportunity to not only provide professional expertise but we are able to humanize the legislation that impacts our communities. We help empower those we serve by helping them tell their stories, educate the public on the issues in our communities, and partner with organizations whose missions match ours. 

DWC Guiding Principles 
  • The strength of our community lies in the well-being of its women, girls and their families.

  • Women, girls and their families should have access to basic necessities, education, programs and services that will allow them to live safe, healthy lives.

  • Women should be empowered as the leaders of the decisions that affect their lives.

  • An investment in programs and services for women, girls and their families who have experienced trauma will result in informational change for those individuals, as well as cost savings for the community.

  • All women, girls and their families should be treated with respect, regardless of their circumstances in life.

  • Policies, organizations, services and programs should be trauma-informed.

  • Commitment to equitable treatment and elimination of discrimination in all its forms at all organizational levels and throughout all programs.

  • By working collectively and in collaboration, the DWC member organizations have the power to affect societal change on behalf of women, girls and their families.

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